Plants vs. Zombies Character Creator Wiki
Plants vs. Zombies Character Creator Wiki

Crow Zombie is a Token Zombie in Plants vs. Zombies Heroes and a member of the PvZH Beastly IconBeastly class. He costs 1Brain to play and has 3StrengthPvZH and 1HeartPvZH. He has the Amphibious and the PvZH Frenzy IconFrenzy traits, but no ability. He is also created by Crow Trainer.


  • Class: PvZH Beastly IconBeastly
  • Tribes: Pet Zombie
  • Traits: Amphibious, PvZH Frenzy IconFrenzy
  • Abilities: None
  • Pack: Token

Card description[]

Mess with the crow, it gets your toe!



Crow Zombie is a very powerful 1Brain pet, that is the reason why it is a token that is obtained by Crow Trainer. The best you can do with Crow Zombie is to boost his health to make his PvZH Frenzy IconFrenzy trait break through plants. You can do that using Camel Crossing or Healthy Treat. He can also be put in the amphibious lane, acting like a Fishy Imp with PvZH Frenzy IconFrenzy.

He can be used as a cheap way to boost Cat Lady's strength or trigger Zookeeper's ability and give every pet on the field +1StrengthPvZH.


Crow Zombie's main weakness is that he is very weak. A Banana Bomb or a Berry Blast can easily remove him. If he is boosted, he can be destroyed by Shamrocket and Doom-Shroom.



External link[]

Flag Zombie Banner Update2